Thursday, July 23, 2009
So tired and sleepy.... well I am sleepy everyday... sometimes really cannot stay awake.Currently in skool com lab (yes, again...)Is it me or did the skool com lab get colder... I am wearing shorts mind you.Plus slippers don't really help in keeping warm. They totally don't in fact.I need to size up my wardrobe... I dunno why but I have lots of shorts, but so few long pants or jeans... not a very decent wardrobe at all. Shortage of clothes. D:Shall go shopping for clothes on Saturday maybe? Ion is open already... can go before and after class. But I think it will be super crowded...Freak... tomorrow is OB presentation, and I dunno what I should wear for it from that super vague explanation of what to wear.Really wanna finish BCS project today, then I'll have time to go liang court with Leeyi.... don't wanna be stuck at home doing projects on FRIDAY NIGHT!!!
9:28 AM
i want nobody nobody but you*
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Rolling about in TP Biz com lab..... finished OB presentation slides already. Joanne just said "tomorrow you 8 o'clock reach skool ah? Bye Bye..." Now cheese is all alone in com lab with people she dunno.
OB presentation - Cheesian is in a dilemma cos she doesn't know what to wear... Smart casual really DOESN'T describe much.
Tomorrow RHT lab... and RHT is not exactly my favourite subject. Plus BCS... dun like it either. I really wanna finish BCS project by tomorrow. Well, we'll see about that.
Talk about projects and I think of Comm Skills... no comm skills tutorial today. Pauline Lau on MC, maybe she finally fell down the stairs after months of cursing her. Comm Skills individual presentation - dunno what to do for the topic. Comm skills presentation outline - dunno what part to take to write. Asked XXX and she said anyhow take something cos not enough content and some extra shit. After hearing that, I wished that XXX also fall down the stairs like Pauline Lau soon. But today I am more level headed, so I shall retract that wish.
I just hope wun kena her for projects next semester. Dun think I'll be able to keep my facial expression proper and good girl like. If I really kena XXX as group member, and if XXX continues like this, I think her head will roll... Acting goody-two-shoes personality-wise is the original mechanism... meaning, I am normal in that mode. But when I am pissed off, depending on how pissed I am... well, you'll see. Shall tolerate as much as I can. I complain a lot, but dun take action until I am super pissed. Typical complain queen. I am actually glad my group got ZhiYu and KarYaow for Comm Skills project. If we got the other 2 guys instead, I am pretty sure we would have died for the project - Yes. I TOTALLY AGREE JOANNE!!! We would already be buried under.
Freak.... next week will be a super killer week... like we dun have enough killer weeks already. BCS need presentation in formal wear... to present for like 6 slides. Like WTF lah. Need to go buy skirt to replace pants... I look super awful in pants... must buy stockings also... D:
I abandoned this blog for like 3 months and now I'll try to blog daily - no guarantees though. Lazy to blog for 3 months. Still lazy to blog as of now... I shall TRY to.
9:08 PM
i want nobody nobody but you*
Saturday, April 25, 2009
If you wanna noe more about what type of person I am...
Go to: you wanna see if your personality matches your horoscope...
Go to:
2:01 AM
i want nobody nobody but you*
Today we had an Organisational Behaviour lecture. There is this part about personality which we will do in the next lecture. Since it is about personality, it reminds me about the horoscope. Basically horoscopes hold some fact of a person's personality to it, but the extent of how much a person's personality is like how the horoscope predicts it to be, differs from person to person I guess...
CheeSian here is a Gemini. Apparently, CheeSian's personality almost totally matches to that of a Gemini... Read on if you wanna noe what type of person I am (I really dun think ppl will read my blog). Not all the characteristics are true though (even if they were... I wouldn't know).
Positive Traits: adaptable, intellectual, versatile, communicative, spontaneous, eloquent, youthful, lively, talkative, amusing, witty and logical.
Negative Traits: changeable, restless, inquisitive, inconsistent, superficial, cunning, nervous, tense and something of a gossip.
Likes: talking, novelty, variety, anything unusual and working on multiple projects at the same time.
Dislikes: being alone, being a rut, mental inaction, conventional learning and feeling tied down.
Apparently, Geminis often bring great success with no true effort... =O
1:16 AM
i want nobody nobody but you*
Sunday, April 19, 2009
This is kinda late... but ORIENTATION IS OVER!!! I am like 2 days late to report... >.>
LRM appears to be not bad... well it may be an entirely different story when classes start for real. For the 1st time meeting my class... it was well... a little awkward I guess. I was like the 2nd person to arrive from my class 1K01.... I started talking to the first person even before reaching my seat... thinking back now... I now am wondering how that happened. It was talk talk talk. Gaywen got into a different class... claims that she would be emoing away... but it is super clear now she is nowhere near emoing away... I feel more emo than her. Business school intake is so big they couldn't fit all students into the auditorium. Wonder if those in the second audi felt second string. The skool got so many songs and cheers cheese doesn't even bother to remember... trying to remember too much will cause brain system to break down. Awkward get-to-know-your-class time. Mass dance was super BLEH for me. I got to left feet. It explains all.
2nd day. We got something like a code-of-conduct lecture from the LRM CM Mr Desmond Lim... who is also our class CP. A problem came up... I soooooo cannot afford to fall asleep in class or lectures anymore!!! I think I may be in deep s***... I always sleep in class almost throughout skool everyday. And Gaywen wun be there to wake me up. sleeping in class is something that is sorta programmed into my system. 怎么办! これて大ピンチかも... Let's hope Yihui can wake me up if I fall asleep... I'll try my best not to fall asleep. I shall summarise day 2. It totally made my ass pain and my leg pain... >.>
10:57 PM
i want nobody nobody but you*
Thursday, April 2, 2009
6:03 PM
i want nobody nobody but you*
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Sent back the enrolment stuff to TP le!!! Can't wait for orientation which is more than a month away.... >.<I guess I am in a swim or die situation... I can't type like very fast... in fact not fast at all... So maybe I'll die in poly if I cannot type fast enough. Time to learn how to touch type and buck up typing speed. I mean in business course need to type a lot.... D:Cheese is currently dying from the I-wanna-play-Tekken disease. It is killing me.... and it got worse after I saw Tekken 6 Bloodline Rebellion at the Plaza Singapura arcade... and yes it is the newest Tekken. It's so cool... and Xiaoyu looked more chio. Well... Xiaoyu looks better and better with each new sequel all the time.GayWen started cooing over the new Tekken 6 Bloodline Rebellion chara, who is a robot... not cyborg - Alisa, Alisa is pink-haired and that explains a lot. >.>
3:05 PM
i want nobody nobody but you*
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
I m sick and tired of the old man called my dad.... he never did much as a dad in the first place other then driving me to skool and places. I mean seriously... his friends are absolutely more important than family. When I was small he threw us into debt and continued to ask us for money to help his friend. He thinks he is so great ranting about my mum's faults and stuff... well he should also look at himself before doing so. Afterall he wasn't the one that had to go through the hardest times after he pushed our family into debt... it was us not him. I mean who was the one who asked a then 9 year old me to give him money and screamed at me when I didn't... he was afraid to go to mum for money so he asked me. How stupid... did he think a 9 year old kid would have like $10 for him? So when I said I had no money, I was screamed at.... wow...>.>
And such a father who screamed at a primary skool kid to take out his anger, is throwing his weight around at me now.... incredible. And if my memory doesn't fail me... The part where I almost died from medicine allergy at 7... he also contributed to it. He just had to pick a quarrel with mum, and dismiss my complaints of the throat feeling weird by screaming. So while he was quarrelling with mum... I was dying in my room. Had he tried to quarrel longer with mum... I would have died. Or as the doctor at SATA put in about my allergy... "So you almost died lah..."
So I can't stand him throwing his weight around.... and I do not intend to. D:<
11:32 PM
i want nobody nobody but you*
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I was just browsing the net about astrology, when I came across the "get your tarot reading for the day" I went to get one. My tarot reading for today...
Your Crowley Thoth Tarot Card for Today
The DevilThe Devil is the more perplexing cards one can draw in a reading. He represents all that most find undesirable, distasteful. He embodies the seven deadly sins (Lust, Gluttony, Avarice, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride). The Devil is evil personified. However, it is unlikely his presence in your cards means you are most suited to be a child of Satan. Think of the saying "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." The more plausible explanation is that you are actually quite moral, and feel a deep duty to oppose the dark forces The Devil embodies. This in no way implies you should establish your own inquisition, but simply that you are acutely aware of the destructive influences in our world and have the strength to resist them.
How nice.... my first Tarot reading and I get The Devil. Nice going CheeSian.
Apparently I dun understand what this Tarot means either... tell me if u have an idea.
10:46 AM
i want nobody nobody but you*
Sunday, February 15, 2009

Cheese is addicted to Tekken although she is apparently not good at it.
New found addiction.... oh well. I dun do well in gaming and I like Tekken... it feels ironic. I am specifically a Ling Xiaoyu fan... and Leh likes Asuka... Gay, one look at her and you know she is the type who will love Emily Rochefort who is better known as Lili.
Lili looks like a dolfie... and the dressing sense... just how Gay loves it. I stick to asian characters I guess... it is a preference.
I quite like Jin although his story and stuff are kinda retarded to me. >.<
1:36 AM
i want nobody nobody but you*
Thursday, February 12, 2009

Watching the Korean version of Hana Yori Dango... Well it is the best of all live-action versions. Reason being the characters of the Korean version are the best looking by far. Japan's version of the drama wasn't as nice cos... Firstly - The characters are not as good looking, mainly the F4. The Korean F4 are definitely better looking, and that fact alone makes the Korean version more intriguing. Well, the Japanese version wasn't good enough for me, cos I totally couldn't stand MatsuJun's spastic smile... and the fact that the character Domyouji Tsukasa was supposed to be the tallest of the F4, but MatsuJun was the shortest of the F4 actors... >.>
There was also this guy from the Japanese F4 who looked too old to play his character. Neither did I like Oguri Shun. >.<
The Korean F4 did not present me with a new eyecandy... but at least they are rather good looking, which makes the Korean Hana Yori Dango better to stomach. :)
12:23 AM
i want nobody nobody but you*
Monday, February 2, 2009
Hmmm... Been a long time since I blogged. I got into Temasek Poly - Leisure and Resort Management course. Just what I wanted... a fun course... I mean it sounds fun no? :3Poly life should be fun and more carefree... I HOPE. Gaywen is appealing into this course.... hope she gets in... then I'll have company. It is afterall more difficult to go into a place where u know nobody... I hope I'll have a fun 3 years...
Went to the Bird Park with my dad and my aunt, uncle and cousin from Australia. Biggest worry throughout the trip - getting hit by birdshit... which did not happen thank god. Realised something... dad doesn't have to be worried abt getting fired... cos if he does he can go become a Bird Keeper in the Bird Park. He attracts birds to him if he gets noticed by the birds... he attracted the lories, hornbills, eagles, owls..... etc.
This is the bird I wanted to bring home.... cute isn't it. It's a Bald Eagle. My dad played with it with a Pepsi bottle. Dad+Pepsi bottle=Reason why this bird is right in front staring at the camera. So cute... wanna bring home. :3
This pretty bird is a Rose-billed Toucan. Got lured to right in front of us by my dad using a Pepsi bottle (my Pepsi bottle)... >.> This bird is a species of Hornbill... loves Pepsi bottles too. Peck hard on the Pepsi bottle my dad used to lure it. Mind u... it pecked hard on my half-filled Pepsi bottle. >.<
This is a Common Crested Pigeon... yes a pigeon. It was running amok in the open enclosure. It loves dad and Pepsi bottle so much it bows to them continuously. It followed us thru the door into the next enclosure... ending up in the wrong exhibit. There is dad's hand holding the Pepsi bottle... >.<
Ostriches loves Pepsi bottles and dad too. Dad was dangling the bottle to close to this guy... I was afraid ostrich will snatch it away. Pepsi bottle was full then. Ostrich started following dad.
The largest eagle in the world... The Stellar Sea Eagle. This bird is a lazy bum didn't even move a step... Stared at dad and Pepsi bottle but didn't move. D:
8:39 PM
i want nobody nobody but you*
Monday, January 12, 2009
Today is when the O level results come out... I am very sure I did not do well at all. I mean I totally slacked off and did not study like I should. But now is not the time to regret it... I feel like falling into a deep pit. The moment of truth - when the results come out... is the moment of death for me.The feeling it gives is just like as though I am going to get publicly executed or something... definitely not a good feeling one can have.... maybe it is the worst feeling. Dunno how I will react... I dun suppose I will cry to bad results... neither will I get good results. Sure a lot of ppl will cry... be it good or bad results.
10:51 AM
i want nobody nobody but you*
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Today... I had a gross and irritating experience on the MRT.... all thx to an fillipino auntie of abt 50 years old. She came in on the MRT and sat right beside me... and her friend did not have a seat. so she pat the tiny space in between me and her... telling her friend to sit. Obviously... it is impossible for her friend's ass to fit into that tiny space... I mean it is impossible to fit in a kid's ass... let alone her friend's. So her friend shook her head and found another seat. Next she puts her shopping bag from Takashimaya beside her rather than on the floor or her own lap like she should... this took up the space in between her and the girl sitting next to he... cramming that poor girl into the corner. She started rummaging her handbag elbowing me 3 times in the process. She brandished out an ah mah type of nail clipper and start clipping her nails both the fingernails and toenails IN THE MRT!!! Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse... I saw her nails fly in different directions... I was grossed out and horrified... like OMG. After her nail-clipping session...she shifted and sat slanted towards me... taking 1/3 of my seat space with her legs outstretched till her feet were almost right in front of mine... for the rest of the ride. She was seriously an INTOLERABLE PUBLIC NUISANCE... Grrrr!!! I never want to come across such ppl again... if I do... THEY WILL GET IT... mark my words. D:<
10:55 PM
i want nobody nobody but you*

GayWen likes G-Dragon from Big Bang and the song Haru Haru. Who was the one who told me that the song I liked a lot at a point of time - Haru Haru, was too loud and NOISY? Who told me that she DIDN'T LIKE noisy songs and doesn't understand why I like Haru Haru? Who was the one that said all Big Bang members are ugly and ended up calling GD one of her eyecandies? Of course it is GayWen/Ham Ham. And she got it wrong... T.O.P is not exactly an eyecandy... well maybe he is... a small eyecandy... but KyuHyun is my super-size eyecandy. KyuHyun all the way... :3
But well I guess I succeeded in getting her to like Haru Haru... fufufu... :D
GayWen also started liking YoungSaeng... I most definitely will never like YoungSaeng... Cos there is JungMin in SS501. GayWen called YoungSaeng ugly once cos he looks like YeSung... and GayWenalso doesn't like guys with small eyes. This means that YoungSaeng should be on her dun like list... but NO that doesn't happen. More than that Youngsaeng not only looks like YeSung... he is good friends with YeSung. I seriously dun understand her taste... she also realised that the guys she like ---> YoungSaeng and JunKi both somewhat look like YeSung. Maybe she has a YeSung fetish... or she is an underground hardcore YeSung fan... >.>
She blames her liking for Haru Haru and maybe GD on me... but I definitely am not in picture for her liking of guys that look like YeSung... her liking for YeSung-like guys is something I'll never understand... not even in eternity.
1:52 AM
i want nobody nobody but you*